Applications for an international driving licence can't be done online. You can apply for an international driving licence from an ANWB sales outlet, and you must do so in person. Applying for an international driving licence You can also check with the website or the embassy of the country to which you are travelling. You can find a list of countries where you need an international driving licence (in Dutch) on the Koninklijke Nederlandse Toeristenbond – ANWB (Royal Dutch Touring Club) website. Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands When do you need an international driving licence? Once you are done, wait for your number to be called and then you can verify and collect your International Driving Permit. Remember to bring your IC and driving license. You can take your photo on the spot at the kiosk.

You must also have your valid Dutch driving licence with you at all times while driving. Go to the kiosk and fill up your details for the application. If you are going to drive in a country outside the European Union (EU), you often need an international driving licence.